How can we help you?

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we sit in a different space 

At Cherry Black we believe it’s people first. That makes us not very ‘traditional’ accountants. In fact, we’re not even sure we are accountants. Well, we are, but we think of ourselves as Business Builders, not accountants. We sit in a very different space to the traditional because we reverse engineered our process. We started with what the market needed, not a series of products to then try and make the market want them. We’re pretty confident that makes us innovative and hope it shows how we can deliver you solutions in a different way.


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people first

We put people first at Cherry Black. We do this because there’s much more on the line than simple numbers. We appreciate the hopes and dreams you have invested in your business.

When you deal with Cherry Back, you’ll find Knowledge and Interpretation are two key things we pride ourselves on. Being ‘in the know’ gives you many advantages, including making fully informed decisions. Good decisions now will set you, and your business, on a path where any stress around numbers evaporates because you are in control, not the other way round. 



Starting a business often begins with what we affectionately refer to as a “Martin Luther King Moment”. Like him, you “have a dream”. You’re enthused and motivated and are keen to set about achieving it. We applaud you. The task now is to put things in place to turn your Dream into Reality.



So you’ve been up and running for a while now. You’ve got wind in your sales, cash in the register, and maybe even a few goodies to show for your success. Life is good (oh no, did we just say LG?).

Part of our role is assisting you so you can free up your time to work on the business, not always having to be in the business. It’s our purpose to help you plan to succeed. 




Someone wise once said, Amazing people do not just happen, it takes work.

In today’s result focussed - outcome driven world, sometimes it’s difficult to remember our actions are the product of what we know. Our behaviour is the result of knowledge our beliefs. We happens on the outside is a reflection of what we believe on the inside.


are you the right client for us?

We’re skilled, passionate and dedicated when it comes to solutions for businesses at the following stages: Start Up + Growth Phase + Needs tweaking/fixing.


are we right for you?

If you’re looking for someone to just “do” your tax, put us 3rd on your list of businesses to contact. However, if you’re looking for a business where: We’re future focused, not bound by old ways + We walk with you as you grow and develop + We’re not clock watchers ‘cos in reality, everything we do is all about you + We use the word ‘cosWe speak English, not Accounting + Who believe the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary + Are overachievers, at both the everyday and the extraordinary.
Then we’re right for each other, so bump us up the list and contact us first. As revolutionary as it may sound, we think there’s more to it than money. Shocking right?

